Michele Q

about Michele

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“My commitment as a specialist is to provide every client with the safest, easiest, and the most artistic application of permanent makeup customized to give them the most natural, enhanced beauty results.”

About Michele Q

Permanent makeup will add balance to your face and the confidence that comes with it.  My specialty is to enhance your appearance by working with colors and designs to blend naturally with your skin tone.  

You really can enjoy the look you want which will truly transform your face and skin, and change your daily life for the better, never having to worry about your makeup smearing or rubbing off.

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She does recommend the full-face application of permanent makeup for your eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips on the first visit simply because she believes it enhances your facial symmetry, as well as, giving you immediate satisfaction in your overall youthful and natural-looking appearance.

Michele is located inside the office of Robert Bonillas, MD and has a reputation with hundreds of happy clients who recognize and appreciate her experience.  

He sees her positive results and skills as she has tattooed permanent makeup on hundreds of women to give them a beautiful, natural, and more youthful appearance.

As a result, DR. Bonillas gets to consult with her and refer his patients to Michele Q.

During your initial consultation, Michele will meet with you to discuss exactly what you hope to achieve, and she will offer her expert opinions to ensure you are delighted with the outcome.  After you express your personal desires, she will apply topical makeup to show you what to expect.   In most instances, women choose to have their procedures done immediately. However, if you prefer to take some time to make your final decision, you are free to do so.

Michele will apply permanent makeup in individual steps, or full-face applications depending upon your personal preference. 

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